I Have All That I Need

(photo taken at Glendalough at 8.30 on a cold crisp Sunday morning)

This morning, I added a new item to my "changing the script" page.

"I have all that I need".

So much of my worry, sadness, annoyance and general upset arises from thoughts about the things I need that I'm not getting. All sorts of things. And from all sorts of people and organisations.

I can get myself into a loop of negative thought and feeling, and it all ends up in fear, and feelings of helplessness and abandonment - not very empowering.

And as I reflected on it, I discovered (again! I can be very slow with these things!) that "here", in this moment, I have all that I need. Here, in the present moment, there is nothing I need that is not here. All is well. All is well.
